Characteristics of PVD SiCN for Application in Hybrid Cu Bonding
J. ChoiS. JangD. LeeS. KangS. KimS. E. Kim
Understanding and Optimizing Oxygen Plasma Treatment for Enhanced Cu-Cu Bonding Application
S. ParkS. LeeJ. ChoiS. E. Kim
Effects of Au passivation thickness on improving low-temperature Cu-to-Cu bonding interface
S. LeeJ. SongS. ParkS. E. Kim
Analysis of Signal Transmission Efficiency in Semiconductor Interconnect and Proposal of Enhanced Structures
T. Y. HongS. E. KimS. K. Hong
Two-Step Ar/N2 Plasma Treatment on SiO2 Surface for Cu/SiO2 Hybrid Bonding
S. ParkS. LeeS. E. Kim
First Demonstration of Enhanced Cu-Cu Bonding at Low Temperature With Ruthenium Passivation Layer
S. ParkS. HongS. E. KimJ. Park
2024Scientific Reports
Unraveling diffusion behavior in Cu‑to‑Cu direct bonding with metal passivation layers
M. JeongS. ParkY. KimJ. KimS. HongS. E. KimJ. Park
2024Applied Sciences
Low-Temperature Diffusion of Au and Ag Nanolayers for Cu Bonding
S. LeeS. ParkS. E. Kim
Guidelines for Area Ratio between Metal Lines and Vias to Improve the Reliability of Interconnect Systems in High-Density Electronic Devices
T. HongS. E. KimJ. ParkS. Hong
Effect of the annealing process on Cu bonding quality using Ag nanolayer
Y. KimS. E. Kim
2023Microelectronic Engineering
Nano-capsuled thermal interface materials filler using defective multilayered graphene-coated silver nanoparticles
S. ChoiD. ShinS. E. KimC. Lee
2023Electronic Materials Letters
Copper Bonding Technology in Heterogeneous Integration
Y. LeeM. MclnerneyY. YooI. ChoiS. E. Kim
Thermo-Mechanical Challenges of 2.5D Packaging: A Review of Warpage and Interconnect Reliability
H. KimJ. HwangS. E. KimY. JooH. Jang
Copper Bonding Technology in Heterogeneous Integration
Y. LeeM. McInerneyY. JooI. ChoiS. E. Kim
2022Appl. Sci.
A Review of Cell Operation Algorithm for 3D NAND Flash Memory
J. K. ParkS. E. Kim
2022Journal of Electronic Materials
Low temperature diffusion behavior of Ti in Cu/Ti-Ti/Cu bonding
S. ParkY. KimS. E. Kim
2022Applied Surface Science
Fabrication of multilayer Graphene-coated Copper nanoparticles for application as a thermal interface material
D. ShinS. ChoiS. E. KimC. YunY. TanC. S. Lee
2022J. Microelectron. Packag. Soc.
Evaluation of 12nm Ti layer for low temperature Cu-Cu bonding
S. ParkY. KimS. E. Kim
2021Electronic Materials Letters
Characteristics of Copper Nitride Nanolayer Used in 3D Cu Bonding Interconnects
H. ParkH. SeoS. E. Kim
2021IEEE Transactions on Components, Packaging and Manufacturing Technology
Low-Temperature (260°C) Solderless Cu–Cu Bonding for Fine-Pitch 3-D Packaging and Heterogeneous Integration
H. ParkH. SeoY. KimS. ParkS. E. Kim
2021J. Microelectron. Packag. Soc.
Effect of Ag Nanolayer in Low Temperature Cu/Ag-Ag/Cu Bonding
Y. KimS. ParkS. E. Kim
2021J. Microelectron. Packag. Soc.
Effects of Ar/N2 Two-step Plasma Treatment on the Quantitative Interfacial Adhesion Energy of Low-Temperature Cu-Cu Bonding Interface
S. ChoiG. KimH. SeoS. E. KimY. Park
2020Scientific Reports
Anti-oxidant copper layer by remote mode N2 plasma for low temperature copper-copper bonding
H. ParkH. SeoS. E. Kim
2020IEEE Transactions on Components, Packaging and Manufacturing
Comprelensive analysis of a Cu nitride passivated surface that enhances Cu-to-cu bonding
H. SeoH. ParkS. E. Kim
2020IEEE Transactions on Components, Packaging and Manufacturing
Two-step plasma treatment on copper surface for low temperature Cu thermo-compression bonding
H. ParkS. E. Kim
2020Proc. IEEE ECTC
Effects of two-step plasma treatment on Cu and SiO2 surfaces for 3D bonding applications
H. SeoH. ParkG. JimY. B. ParkS. E. Kim
2020Proc. IEEE ECTC
Development of CMOS-compatible low temperature Cu bonding optimized by the response surface methodology
H. ParkH. SeoM. ParkS. E. Kim
2020J. Microelectron. & Packag. Soc.
Cu-SiO2 hybrid bonding
H. SeoH. ParkS. E. Kim
2020J. Microelectron. & Packag. Soc.
Bonding strength evaluation of copper bonding using copper nitride layer
H. ParkH. ParkG. KimY. B. ParkS. E. Kim
2019Microsystem Technologies
Nitrogen passivation formation on Cu surface by Ar–N2 plasma for Cu-to-Cu wafer stacking application
H. ParkS. E. Kim
2019Applied Sciences
Two-step plasma treatment on sputtered and electroplated Cu surfaces for Cu-to-Cu bonding application
H.l SeoH. ParkS. E. Kim
2019Microsystem Technologies
Process and characterization of photo-definable organic-inorganic dielectric for wafer level packaging
C. SongS. E. Kim
2019J. Microelectron. & Packag. Soc.
Analysis of Ar Plasma Effects for Copper Nitride Passivation Formation via Design of Experiment
C. SongS. E. Kim
2018Microsystem Technologies
Nitrogen passivation formation on Cu surface by Ar-N2 plasma for Cu-to-Cu wafer stacking application
H. ParkandS. E. Kim
2018Nanoscience and Nanotechnology Letters
Assessment of spin-on-glass for fan-out wafer level packaging with multilayer interconnects
C. SongS. KimandS. E. Kim
2018Advances in Materials
Fabrication of tin oxide thin film transistors by RF magnetron sputtering using Sn/SnO composite target
C. KimS. E. Kim
2018Proc. IEEE ECTC 2018 (Scopus)
Fabrication and characteristics of spin-on dielectric for multi-level interconnect in WLP
C. SongS. KimandS. E. Kim
2018J. Microelectron. & Packag. Soc.
Structural Characteristics of Ar-N2 Plasma Treatment on Cu Surface
H. ParkandS. E. Kim
2018J. Microelectron. & Packag. Soc.
Study oStudy of Organic-inorganic Hybrid Dielectric for the use of Redistribution Layers in Fan-out Wafer Level Packaging
C. SongandS. E. Kim
2018J. Microelectron. & Packag. Soc.
Effect of Si grinding on electrical properties of sputtered tin oxide thin films
S. ChoandS. E. Kim
2018J. Microelectron. & Packag. Soc.
Organic-inorganic Hybrid Dielectric with UV Patterning and UV Curing for Global Interconnect Applications
C. SongH. ParkH. SeoS. E. Kim
2017ECS Journal of Solid State Science and Technology
Comparative Analysis of SnOx Thin Films Deposited by RF Reactive Sputtering with Different SnO/Sn Target Compositions
C. KimS. KimandS. E. Kim
2017J. Microelectron. & Packag. Soc.
On-chip Decoupling Capacitor for Power Integrity
S. ChoandS. E. Kim
2017J. Microelectron. & Packag. Soc.
Effect of coolants and metal bumps on the heat removal of liquid cooled microchannel system
Y. WonS. KimS. E. Kim
2017J. Microelectron. & Packag. Soc.
Study of the effect of vacuum annealing on sputtered SnxOy thin films by SnO/Sn composite target
C. KimS. ChoS. KimandS. E. Kim
2017Thin Solid Films
Transparent SnOx thin films fabricated by rf reactive sputtering with SnO/Sn composite target
C. KimS. KimandS. E. Kim
2017Microsyst. Technol
Evaluation of Si liquid cooling structure with microchannel and TSV for 3D application
M. ParkS. KimS. E. Kim
2016Kor. J. Mater. Res.
Analysis of sputter-deposited SnO thin film with SnO/Sn composite target
C. KimS. KimandS. E. Kim
2016Japanese J. Applied Physics
Experimental assessment of on-chip liquid cooling through micro-channel with DI water and diluted ethylene glycol
Y. WonS. KimS. E. Kim
2016J. Microelectron. & Packag. Soc.
Heterogeneous Device Packaging Technology for the Internet of Things Applications
S. E. Kim
2016Japanese J. Applied Physics
Effects of forming gas plasma treatment on low-temperature Cu–Cu direct
S. KimY. NamS. E. Kim
2016J. Nanoparticle Research
Exploring the intellectual structure of nanoscience and nanotechnology: journal citation network analysis
H. JoY. ParkS. E. KimH. Lee
2016Microelectronic Eng.
Thermal Assessment of Copper Through Silicon Via in 3D IC
Y. ShinS. E. kimS. Kim
2016J. Microelectron. & Packag. Soc.
IC Thermal Management Using Microchannel Liquid Cooling Structure with Various Metal Bumps
Y. WonS. KimS. E. Kim
2015Appl. Sur. Sci.
Argon plasma treatment on Cu surface for Cu bonding in 3D integration and their characteristics
M. ParkS. BackS. KimS. E. Kim
2015J. Microelectron. & Packag. Soc.
Study of On-chip Liquid Cooling in Relation to Micro-channel Design
Y. WonS. KimandS. E. Kim
2015J. Microelectron. & Packag. Soc.
Study of Chip-level Liquid Cooling for High-heat-flux Devices
M. ParkS. KimandS. E. Kim
2015Microelectron. Eng.
Wafer level Cu-Cu direct bonding for 3D integration
S. E. KimandS. Kim
2014Microelectron. Reliab.
Characterization of flip chip bonded structure with Cu ABL power bumps
J. MaS. KimS. E. Kim
2014ECS Solid State Letters
Homo-junction pn diode using p-type SnO and n-type SnO thin films
J. UmS. E. Kim
2014J. Microelectron. & Packag. Soc.
Bumpless interconnect system for fine-pitch devices
S. E. Kim
2014J. Microelectron. & Packag. Soc.
Study of micro flip chip process using ABL bumps
J. MaS. KimandS. E. Kim
2014Microelectronic Eng.
The Effects of Cu TSV on the Thermal Conduction in 3D Stacked IC
J. MaS. E. KimandS. Kim